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Latest developments in the "Ursu Case": A NEW ABJECTION of the ROMANIAN JUSTICE SYSTEM. On Octomber 16, 2013, judge GUNESCU Gabriel of the Bucharest Military Tribunal decided to ABSOLVE Gheorghe Ursu's MAIN ASSASSIN, SECURITATE TORTURER PIRVULESCU MARIN. In January 2014, Colonel Gunescu issued his reasoning behind the verdict. AGAINST OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE AND IGNORING THE LAW, he proves once more, beyond any doubt, his TOTAL OBEDIENCE to the interests of the SECURITATE, definitively disqualifying himself as a magistrate.
"Poets are generally sad / They don't understand the world /  And the world doesn't understand them
They love the world but don't understand it / The world loves them but doesn't understand them
Sometimes when they end up understanding the world they detest it
Other times when the world ends up understanding them it's too late
And so, you see, poets generally die sad"
Gheorghe Ursu

The mission of the Foundation is to preserve the memory of Gheorghe Ursu, the Romanian engineer and poet murdered under torture on November 17th, 1985, by Ceausescu's Security police ("Securitate"). He was killed for his anti-totalitarian thoughts and attitude, thus becoming a symbol of that regime's victims.
The Foundation will press for a just resolution to the "Ursu Case", for an investigation aimed at bringing the truth to light, leading to the punishment of the assassins and of those who ordered the murder. The Foundation will create an endowment for the fields of arts and letters, translated into awards and grants. These awards will serve to sustain the spirit of freedom and tolerance, in the same generous, multivalent and free spirit of the poet, as well as to keep alive the awareness of the totalitarian oppression during the past decades in Romania.
The Foundation will morally and materially support programs and efforts that denounce the policy of force, the extremist ideology of both the left and the right, the official corruption, the nationalist and chauvinist demagogy, the falsification of history, the cover-up of the crimes of Ceausescu's regime, and the perpetuation of the old Securitate influence within the new power structure.
In essence, the mission of this Foundation, as Gheorghe Ursu himself would have wished, is to contribute to the betterment of the spiritual climate in Romania: through learning from history's lessons, through encouraging an awareness of democratic principles, through promoting decency and social civility, and through fostering education and art as well as preserving the respect for the rights of all citizens. And above all, the respect for the most precious of rights, the freedom of the individual and of his thoughts.
The initial funds of the Foundation, have been created through contributions from Gheorghe Ursu's friends and family, as well as through other persons who are interested in keeping alive the memory of the martyred poet. We invite everyone interested in contributing to contact the Foundation's administration.
Any amount, however small, will be gratefully appreciated. Similarly appreciated will be the non-financial show of support: any person who is drawn to the Foundation's ideas and mission is invited to add his/her name to the list of its supporters.
We consider - again in the spirit of Gheorghe Ursu, the man who had an existence that was materially modest but very rich spiritually - that a name associated with an idea constitutes a moral force, which cannot be ignored.